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    Thursday, August 31, 2006

can u feel the adrenaline rush? teacher's day was superb. i hvnt ever really performed on such a large scale before. altho PA and chapel has gotten me that well needed experience on stage. my my, i wldnt mind doing it again and again.

for lower sec, it was rather quiet but at least we played correctly. i was so worried that i wld play the wrong chords just like during the last rehearsal. haha.
upper sec was really getting the adrenaline into us. all the ex-students were there. thank you to all who gave us a standing ovation at the end of the performance. love yall.

most of all, today is teachers day. so i wld LOOOOVE to wish all teachers a Happy Teacher's Day!
thank you mr kwok for the support, thx mr ong for the lovely comment. haha. we sure found the time.
im sorry for calling u a liar, mr shahril. cheer up. i didnt noe u were in a foul mood, so i was just trying to kid around a lil. im sure there is nothing u cant overcome. if ur reading this, i appreciate ur scolding, woke me up a little. happy teacher's day to u (:

alright enough of the thanking session. prelims are like 2 weeks away? gotta study study study.
going off to nap again now. so beat.

this portion's dedicated to u, my lovely band. Aiken, Ben, Marcus, Lem, and most of all, Shawn. i loooove u guys to the core!!!!!!!!! i wldnt be where i am today if it werent for u guys. seriously, i dun want this to end here. i will definitely miss the times where we wld scold each other, encourage each other, see heaven together and pray together, play together, joke together. we shall go tanning 1 day alright? robocop chest are just ready to burst out in the sun. Heh. and that sexaye body of aikey and marcus. mmmMmm. babelicious. not u lem and ben. eewww, such turn offs. KIDDING! all u guys have wondrous bodies.

that's all for now.

most of all, thank you my beloved friend, my all, lover of my soul, and ultimately, my God.

P.S. yes yes, thx to zhen, rah n miao for keeping me in prayer. love u lovelies too.

til next time, this is KC for u. -lol

- kc

    Tuesday, August 29, 2006
my goodness.

wats happening to me today. lucky restraint turned up before swearing did.

today has been exhausting. still got more work to complete. and today is CSI's grand finale. so im definitely not gona miss it. well, im not really in the mood to blog now.

but i wld just like to thank benster. one of the best people around. even tho we make fun of him and tease him all the time, all he does is 'absorb' and take in all the hurt. but returns nothing of that sort to us. there u go, a lovely example of living a life full of love. hmm, i have found another true friend. for real. in my previous post i said if he had any problems, come to me. but its the other way around for today. thank you from the bottom of my heart you orchid (:

gotta scoot off. homework is calling me. shall i answer? yes i shall.
goodbye for now faithful followers of my blog.

P.S. char. z if ur reading, im so sorry i called u teapot. im so sorry i made fun of your height and size. ur sucha wonderful warrior for Christ. i respect u for that. oh and fyi, i dun have a tagboard. HAHAHAHA. got u going there for a moment didnt i. yup, tts all i have to say to u at the moment. rmb, ur a lovely pillar in the hse of God. dun ever let any1, including me, put u down.

- kc

    Monday, August 28, 2006
today was anger hate and hostility all over. i shant say who. but obviously that somebody was in a lousy and bad mood. top in eng and humanities didnt make ur day? well i will. haha. the hostile game went too far. i guess we outta apologise to every1 we were hostile to. ALRIGHT..... i outta rephrase it, I outta apologise to every1 I was hostile to. alright sexy?

sorry aiken
sorry benster
sorry lemuel

alrighty. now that tts done. rehearsal was not up to standard to me. but aiken said it sounded good. alright den, listen to that pro. i guess we cldnt hear ourselves. my oh my, another hostile game was being played. except this was a silent 1. i really duno wats up with hostility and i. but there must be an end to it. such things get out of hands easily.

anyway according to marcus lee jing hao aka hitmonlee, i have robo-cop's chest. to him its moobs. but i beg to differ. stop focusing on others but ur 36 dude. haha.

i think its time to grow up. as in for real. reflecting and refocusing really helps in ur thinking. to those out there reading this. i assure u i will try my best to speak with u with words of love and not of hurt, of encouragement and not words that put others down. remind me if u see me doing otherwise.

followed marcus to withdraw money, and then benster to get his tori meal. wat will we get in return for our efforts? tell me hitmonlee, wat?

anyway im so tired today. shoulders are killing me.

Seacrest Kai Chin out.

love yall

- kc

    Saturday, August 26, 2006

phew. wat a relief its finally over. we were up 1st la, so it was kinda rushed. comments were that aiken cld not be heard due to the drowning music. gotta improve on that guys. but overall it was okay, except that lem was unhappy with his soft bass- which is normal. haha.

guess wat? we got in! i was so elated when i received the msg. i guess mr kwok wants us to perform for the teachers, give us a chance to redeem ourselves from latecoming issues, attire and ATTITUDE PROBLEM. the last 1 goes out to benster. LMAO.... wat a funny scene at the office that day. just improve it benster, alright? we're backing u dun worry. rmb suffering in silence is not the key to success, so open up if u ever feel down or lonely. my phone is always on from 9-5. haha so just gime a ring or something- only during office hours ya?

thats besides the point, the impt thing is we got in. its a 1st for most of us to play for teacher's day. but definitely not our first on stage.

i read in 1 post in ben's blog that he applauded me, but i duno for wat apparent reason. pls enlighten me. its good to receive compliments, but EVEN BETTER to compliment others. tts 1 lesson from your coach. haha.

anyway gotta rush off to eunos mrt now, short prayer meeting for the outreach tmr. service thereafter. marriage series!!! so blessed by Ps Kong.

oh. btw, today's devotion is abt giving the devil a run for his life. how, you may ask. well the secret is to always have the joy of the Lord with you - even when circumstances speak louder than God's word. so rmb folks, always remain happy.

"Don't Worry, Be Happy" - Bobby McFerrin

love yall.

- kc

    Friday, August 25, 2006
my goodness. now i have some1 added to my list of accountability - Marcus Lee Jing Hao

everyday im supposed to have only 30mins on the com cos of this fast im going on. putting aside worldly things. bit by bit. today's devotional title was : Be Ready!!! it talks abt how we shd be ready when Jesus comes back. so all of us shd be ready, live our lives according to His will. not surprised when He comes back. but rather, in expectancy.

well my time is up, had fun swimming at marcus' hse today. fun fun fun.

cya dudes, and gals.

- kc

    Thursday, August 24, 2006
my oh my, hasn't it been long since i last updated.

juz zipped to aikey's blog. wat mature thinking. yes indeed inner beauty is what EVERYBODY is looking for. but who can agree that we cant SEE a person's inner beauty unless we get to know them ya? therefore all, i say ALL humans are attracted to external beauty (skin deep) first.
it is from that stage that we become acquaintances, and from there friendship develops.

BUT there are rare moments that we befriend ppl who do not seem pretty or hamsom*(: on the outside. one great example is aiken chia. on the outside he doesnt look that good. but when u get ta noe him, KAPOW- his fav phrase, you will be blown away by his bubbly and outgoing character. oh when will i stop lying!!! KIDDING. love u still aikey.

i've been asking aikey n benster to go SHOPPING with me. not accompany me. but i guess Rayvin is such a nice guy to turn down my offer. Rayvin, i would love to meet u in person 1 day.

auditions tmr!!! like super nervous. but i have to RELAX... The Reason, is you.

Extracted from the post from Aiken's blog. "Let's be an M&M. On the outside,we're colourful and nice but yet on the inside,we taste so good." i agree so much with this. we must aim to have both outer and inner beauty. im sure marcus caught this idea long ago. no wonder i've been noticing his waistline go down. wonderful job. my goodness la. on the topic of MARCUS.everything i think or say, he will either say it out or say jinx! i definitely cant agree that Great minds think alike. it doesnt apply here. haha. anyway, cya.

gotta reflect and refocus.ha!

- kc