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    Thursday, September 28, 2006
chong siao ling aka 'ling' power sia.
she wrote a little about Samuel Tan on the 20th sept. and even linked my blog. but truly, Samuel's legacy will be held so dearly to many of our hearts. mmhmm. appreciate it, ling.

mmm.. i 4got my thoughts of the day. haha. the fatigue must be getting to me. ugh.

i realised
i found out
that you were not the one.
all my life i've been searching
for that special someone
but now i know
that i don't need a special someone
to make my day
to make me happy
to fill this gap.
our differences have made this
a tough journey
although with God all things are possible.
a road less travelled.
to be or not to be
that my frens,
is the question.

- kc

hey there. im in one of those moods again.

i realised something. once i sit down at the com and start to blog, i think better n straighter. and yes i may seem mature here. but trust me, when u meet me outside. its a totally different thing.

im back on the topic of frens AGAIN.

i duno why la. but i feel much better when im around frens. eventho if we dun talk but just slack n chill out. i feel much better than sitting ard at home doing nothing. my dear frens, if ur reading this, i really duno wat i wld do without u.

today was last day of prelims. dun wana talk abt it.

had to play for sec3 chapel. nono, more like play for God. right aiken? it was jolly-okay. had a mighty blast. but im sure tmr will be better. after that patronised the bubbletea shop. n thereafter, it was lemuel's house. lem's bro, samuel, was super cute la. poor boy keep getting rammed by marcus. but guess wat?! I HAD MY TIME ON THE PIANO!!!!!!!! hahah. played superman, but i 4got the rest. sorry adriel n john. played a little of the ball, winning eleven and nfsmw. and not to mention spongebob squarepants. haha. stupid benster. i was so not used to ps2's controls so i was like crashing like mad. so ben waited for me so many times. but in the end i almost beat him. but guess wat. we crashed at the same spot, same time. n we were like wat? 10m to the finishing line? but his acceleration was faster than mine. guess the timing difference. 0.02 seconds. its like 2 seconds or 0.2 seconds. its 0.02 SECONDS!!! how unlucky. but it was a fun time. love lem's hse, not to mention his brother. pro hockey player. in the main team for primary school. awesome dude.

no school tmr. so im like blogging now. sometimes i just wish i cld have the greatest of frens or probably a brother. aiken n ben have been my 'surrogate' brothers for some time now. love yall. but like wat aiken say "we all say we will keep in touch, but in the end, we dont".

i think this is the end of our group/band. today was our last practice. tmr our last chapel. or for most of us. im totally certain that im gona miss the band. every single one of u. im not sure where God will take us. maybe ben and jerry's official band? HAHAHAHA.

ever heard the phrase "frens will come and go, but true frens are hard to find, wat more stay by ur side". its so true. like alright maybe i love to hang out and all. but true frens are really hard to come by.

my gosh. i feel dam emo la. forgive me. by tmr i will crack my shell n get out of it. tts all for now. i gona bathe and probably slp. might wake up early tmr to play the guit. cya.

- kc

    Tuesday, September 26, 2006
dear readers,

my deepest apologies. i have been caught up with my darling prelims that i rarely have time to use the computer. alright, i admit, i do have time, but i CHOOSE not to. haha. tts an important statement. i CHOOSE not to.

let me expand on the topic "Choices".

whether we noe it or not, choices run our lives. choices decide where we're gona study nxt, who we will be attached to, wat our notorious habits are. they are all governed by the same thing. Choices.
i noe u all have heard this many many times, but i have to use this MIGHTY fine example. how many of us said the phrase "YOU MAKE ME ANGRY!" before? well there is a difference between the person pushing ur buttons and you choosing to be angry. yes yes, u may reason with me that "oh, so and so did something i didnt quite like. tts y im angry. its all HIS fault." yes, it may be true that the person did do something to encourage ur anger, but ultimately its ur choice whether u get angry or not.

well. enough abt anger. before i really get some of it. my router is so screwed la. now the internet connection is only connected to 1 com. my sister has to suffer for a while, lest she gets a new router. haha. resistance is futile. sometimes we rely on technology too much until we get to the point of over reliance. altho the ice age was boring and all. but at least they relied on their powerful minds instead of technology which sometimes fail us.

"Your mind is the most powerful computer in the world, you just got to know how to harness its power" Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

I agree with this statement to a large extent. although the computer has brought along with it a hell a lot of convenience and entertainment, but they sure do get replaced every few years. memory space in the computer is limited whereas the human brain can store much more memory.

however, extensive research has shown that humans only use only a fraction of wat our brains are capable of. this is supported in Source A (click for link). this is not the case for computers. we have full access of the memory in the computer as seen in Source B (click for link).

In conclusion, although i have only given two points as reference. The human mind is still the best computer in the world. Thank you for your consideration.

HAHAHA. enough of the Social Studies. ugh. prelims has taken to my brain. but ya. can u remember the happiest moment of your life? sure you do. can u think of a lovely poem for your boy/girl friend? sure you can. now can a computer do that? sure... it cant. its good to have technology around us. but we have to appreciate the good ole' stuff. like a pair of feet in exchange for a car. or how abt a brain for a computer? haha nah. do not consider the latter. u are really dumb if u choose the latter. haha. eeew.

anyway. im gona go off now and think of a poem or a short story. its gona be random. so until nxt time, this is Kai Chin from 96FM. AGAIN.
i shall leave u with a thought of mine.

feelings stirring up
within ma' heart
the smile on your face
will not be an image
if i never saw it
conversation brings life
to our somewhat dead friendship
but how can it be one
if im the only one speaking
let this not be a one way connection
for i treasure our dear relationship
i know the answer's 'yes'
but i have to ask, do you love me?
assure me
comfort me
love me for who i am, will you?

- kc

    Friday, September 22, 2006
hey. i kinda dun noe who "zy" is on my tagboard. if ur the person, cld u identify urself? haha. cos im not sure who it is. zhen yang maybe? anyway just identify urself if ur the one. thx.

ahh. ystd i stayed up till 2am. with that "lovely companion". but the companion had to go at 1am. so i was left with my com as a panion. ok maybe tts lame. i myself am also labelled as a lovely companion. 'i'll give u credit when credit's due' haha. but it was worth it. i cant say i did my best for chemistry, but i wld say i tried. i was quite confident of the paper la, but since i didnt cover all the topics, so im believing for a pass. maybe B4 would be an acceptable grade? noticed i used the word 'believe' instead of 'hoping'? yup there is a difference.

a phrase i said twice, once to miao feng, once to wee kwang. aim high, and even if u dun reach ur goal, u might get an acceptable result. i.e. you aim for A1, even if u fail to do so, u would get an A2 or a 'B'. tts good right? haha. i think the whole class heard me say tt. when i said it to wee kwang just b4 our chem paper, every1 was like listening intently to my loud voice. haha. and so i have come to a conclusion that it is, indeed, wise words from a not so wise man. that boy is labelled as a man, just becos he said those wise words. and that boy, is me. hahaha.

sometimes u hear ppl talking abt themselves from a third person point of view. like " the person ur talking to feels hurt" or "can u please dun make your girlfriend jealous", and the person refers to themselves. haha. weird la. but its a technique in writing. im sure adriel is familiar with it.

nowadays im like trying to praise every1. but it's in fact very hard to accomplish. haha. for guys, its simple, like just say, "nice hair ben!" or "wow! marcus, have u been watching ur diet?". but for girls ar, quite hard la. there's always a tendency for the girl to get the wrong impression. but for close frens im sure it doesnt pose as a problem.

im trying to be like generous n stuff like that also nowadays. can u feel the love emitting from me? just like a radioactive isotope. but im not emitting alpha or beta nor even gamma rays. im emitting LOVE; one of the recipes in creating a perfect human. like i treat ppl stuff here n there n like sow into other church's building funds. and look at the reward im receiving in return. it may never be physical or material things, but stuff like emotional support, great friends, joy. its things like that that sets me thinking.

ben, in reply to ur question WAY BACK. u may give and give, but u will always receive something in return, it may not be things u can use or enjoy, but take ur time to ponder and u will soon find that God has alr poured out His blessing on u, filled ur storehouse til it overflows. with either great frens like me(lol), or favour from men.

yup, tts all my thoughts for today. also notice that the name of my blog is "reflectionsofhisheart" so dun come here looking for an update of my life. haha. tts all for now. hope this post enlightens some of u readers. who noes, i might be the next Xiaxue(top blogger from stomp). hahahahaha. til next time, this is Kai Chin on 96FM.

- kc

    Wednesday, September 20, 2006
woah i finally found time here. haha.

the song tts been stuck in my head finally re-surfaced. its 'Chris Tomlin - Forever'
been looking for it everywhere. its a wonderful and BE-A-U-TIFUL song. ever since the Israel trip, i was so overwhelmed by this song. even the other tourists there were worship-ing to this song. wonderful. i found my first love again.

something tt has been troubling me lately. and im being open here.
i've been really curious to know wats nxt in my life. wats His nxt plan for me, other than studies. i noe the bible says not to worry for tmr, for tmr will worry abt itself. if God feeds the sparrows of the fields, how much more will he do for us. for we are worth much more than hundreds n thousands of sparrows. on the contrary, we cant just live for the moment, live for the day itself. we must have plans and all. its rather confusing la.

My List
wat job will i be doing.
wat kind of frens i will be mixing with.
who will be my one and only.

basically tts all. its better not to have such a long list. i just hope i dun get a blue-collar job. haha. not to be mean to them, but i wldnt mind if my build was larger and stronger.

im like gona reflect more on my life. haha. im trying to find that happiness i had when i was so care-free. especially in primary school. more than studies, more than homework, more than going out. its something more. its so elusive. i cant seem to find it. i duno wat it is.

Lord, pls fill this heart of mine.
Make it pure, make it Yours.
I pray I'd use my days
As You want me to Lord.
Use 'em for You.
I lift my life entirely up to You.
No matter how confusing,
How confusing life gets.
It's all in Your hands.
All this i pray in Jesus' name.
Amen and amen.

- kc

    Monday, September 18, 2006
my gosh. the rate at which the numbers on the counter is escalating just blows my mind. i HAVE to blog. haha.

anyway, just back from lunch after spending the whole morning at adriel's house. some may say its fruitful, but some may beg to differ. i say i have accomplished something. *shut up adriel, dun look down on beginners* guess wat, i played the piano the whole time i was there. rather irritating for the others, but i believe its practice. like the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. adriel might say too much practice gives a whole new meaning to the word 'perfection'. i finally noe how to play 'Superman' by Five for Fighting, 'Amazing Grace', 'Here I Am to Worship' on the piano. not tt great n fluent, but everybody has to start somewhere. i shall visit adriel every now and den to hone my skills. but for now, im looking at alternatives to practicing. haha.

the reason why i wana learn the piano? simple, guitar gets boring sometimes. its good to switch ard, but i must still practice both. its a pity my parents gave away the piano i had years ago. didnt realise tt one day i would get back to that instrument.

anyway we have a 2-day self study break from prelims. its kinda good in a way, hvnt been studying much since that incident. good for those not affected too.

im so gona take a nap now. not enough sleep these few days. might be meeting up with adriel and calvin to study later after dinner. see how. nitey nite.

- kc

    Saturday, September 16, 2006
hey ho lets go.

ystd was Samuel's wake. quite a turn up i must say. the pastor shared his story about his mom.
i shall do u the honours of typing it out here.

this pastor's mom was 52 then, being a Buddhist, it was miraculous that she received Jesus into her life. she was illiterate which means she didnt read the bible. but just after she received Christ into her life, she had a rare cancer which caused her body to bleed. den she slipped into a coma for 3days n 3nights. during the 3days 3 nights, she said she was walking on streets of pure gold, heading towards a glorious city of bright lights. she didnt feel any pain in her joints, in her whole body, no worries and no sin. and in front of the city gate, was a man, which she miraculously knew was Jesus. there was also a purple river flowing out from that city. but as she walked closer to Jesus, she felt a force pulling her back. at this time, her sons decided with the doctors that they want to revive her, resuscitate her. that was the force pulling her back. but even as she was resuscitated, she said the pain immediately returned to her body. her children thought that they had helped her, but in fact, they caused her more pain in her body. and 3 months after, Jesus visited her 1 night by her bedside, saying He will bring her home tmr. and she called for all her children n announced the news. by then, they were not very sad that she had to go, for they knew where she would be heading, heaven. true enough, the next day, she went home to be with the Lord.

yup, tts just to encourage u guys out there. spread the news. i gtg for service now. cant wait. so excited la. God is an awesome god indeed. yes and amen. cya guys for now.

- kc

    Friday, September 15, 2006
sorry guys for not blogging recently. its been hectic ever since prelims started.

anyway by now many of u wld have heard abt the death of Samuel Tan Si Hao.

He was the Chairman of BB 49th Company (2005-2006). i worked under him during that time as his secretary. i must admit i didnt give him an easy time. sorry pal. although we were in the same primary school, i didnt get to know him then. only when he joined BB 49th Coy, did i really get to noe him. i will still remember his bubbly character and the way he wld sling his bag on 1 of his shoulders. the way he talked, the way he walked. it will remain embedded deep in my memory. how we wld joke abt our puma shoes.

LIFE is so fragile, so unpredictable, so precious. but ultimately, LIFE is in God's hands. now tts something worth rejoicing.

through this, im sure many ppl's life will be touched. the way we view life, the way we view friendship. personally, i treasure my life more, i treasure my friendship more. thankfulness just moved a knotch higher for me. if ur reading this right now, a reality check would come in dandy right now. how abt trying to see wat things are there in your life that u can be thankful for. i shall not go on abt the 'Africa' stories (lucky for Aiken), but its good to look at life in a different perspective sometimes.

last night, i was quite shaken by the news when ben called me. scenes from my life just started flashing in my mind. i was wondering wat it wld have been like if Samuel lived on, if he overcame this illness. he had so much potential. BB Chairman, Jimmy Koh Character Award, Best Boy Award. there was much in him still undiscovered. so much in a 16 year old. he would definitely be missed by all who knew him. we will hold u dear to our hearts. always using this as a learning point as well as our source of strength when we feel like giving up.

Respectably you went, respectably you'll stay (forever in our hearts).

when i think of a beautiful speech, i'll post it here.

alright, on the topic of prelims, so far it has been smooth. and we'll see nxt week how i fare.
i gtg, tonight will be the wake for those of u who want to attend. starts at 8pm. contact me or any1 else for more information if necessary.

love yall. i mean it, from the bottom of my heart. if i were to write to every1 how i feel abt them, and how i treasure them, it would take weeks. somehow, emotions are hard to pen down. its our way of life. without emotions, the world would be like iRobot. where every1 would be so emotionally shutdown that we function like machines. wat joy is there in that.

when was the last time u made your feelings known to your family, your friends? when was the last time you said 'i love you' to your parents, your siblings, your grandparents? if the answer is not anytime recently, i think you know wat to do.

tata. until next time, i appreciate you. yes u.

- kc

    Sunday, September 10, 2006
this weekend was Making Marriage Work seminar in church. 2 more weeks before it is completed.

my goodness, altho im single, it really teaches me a lot. it could probably be applied to friendship. one phrase really struck me the hardest. "You don't have to love me before I shower my love on you"

tt is really true. even for friends. anger was also something Ps Kong dealt with.

ystd i had the opportunity to be a listening ear to my cell member. i will omit the details cos i respect his privacy. but i now see the light behind his behavior. altho many ppl have a bad impression of him, now i noe and i understand. i can relate to his situation. thank you Lord for giving me wisdom in my speech and actions. ystd after service we sang this song.

it says,
I love you
I love you
I love you (x3)

And my heart will follow wholly after You

i was really teary when i sang it. ok fine the whole church was also teary. chat til 1am ystd abt a myriad of stuff. but 1 thing was that so often we take Jesus' blood for granted. we may noe wat He did on the cross and all, but most of the time we just live our lives so unaccepting to God. now there's this email titled "The Room" circulating ard. sometimes stories really touch our hearts, but usually it spurs us on for a moment or two. and den our fire for God dies down. its so easy to say I Am A Christian. but it is the exact opposite when it comes to living a life called by God.

dun worry im not suffering from any depression. im just feeling His love again. i feel i have been ungrateful for certain things. i believe we shd ask for forgiveness every day. just like the Lord's Prayer. and every day we shd at least spend a few minutes thanking Him. from the most minute(tiny) things to the greatest and most obvious things in life.

i have to go study now. my aunty's arriving from New Zealand later at night. gona go fetch her. can't wait. so i gotta go finish up my revision for the day before going to the airport.

thank you for your time and attention.
this is Kai Chin signing off.
tune in to Reflections Of His Heart again on radio 96.0FM
*music plays in the background*

- kc

    Friday, September 08, 2006
phew, finally shopping is over la.

i had a whale of a time in town. first it was wisma, den taka, den fareast plaza, den back to wisma, den bugis street, den bugis junction. my poor legs.

let me tell u all abt my shopping trip today. haha

before we met we were guessing each other's attire. yunzhen wore this uber-cute pink top. which was her p5 outfit. babelicious. hahaha. fine, shant use all these words. since yunzhen doesnt like them. so its back to the old boring vocabulary of "nice", "girl", "pretty", "hello".

firstly we went over to wisma, topman/topshop. saw 2 tops which i loved. but i was suspicious whether aiken owned them alr. maybe i was right, but who cares. as long as we dun wear it on the same day. haha. den the girls headed over to forever21. wk and i just walked ard and headed over to topman to get 1 top. there was this foreigner, super high stilettoes. she bought slippers at topshop and IMMEDIATELY changed into them. haha. must have been tough huh lady.

den taka it was, to get jacintha her pressy. my goodness. girls can really shop huh. wk and i cldnt tahan so we went down to get some snacks. delicious i tell u, carrot cake and yam cake. we sat by the fountain and had our glorious food. and when we went up, guess wat they bought? a huge beautiful BOX. empty 1 tt is.

went to fareast plaza, slacked at subway while sarah had her "3 for $2.75" cookies. we pinched a bit here n there. den the hard part was helping mf pick wat shirt to buy for him. oh boy, it was more tiring thinking of wat to buy than walking from shop to shop. still not grateful. saw this guy with a piercing on the back of his neck - awesome dude.

i 4got the bits and pieces of wat we did. but mostly tts all we bought. the girls (CHLOE,sarah & MICHELLE) went home. mf had intentions of accompanying the 2 guys to dinner. and she even said she wont feel weird cos she's having dinner with....2 handsome guys. lol. puhlease, if u wana get in our good books, all u gotta do is be genuinely nice. but in the end she decided its better for wk and i to have a 'guys night out'. ur weird. lol. anyway we went to bugis street. almost got lost. it reminded me of the Israel trip, when i went to their flea market. but headed to Bugis junction. got a bag from nike. dun worry its not Bundit's type of bag. but i was satisfied. went to Old Chang Kee. wk bought some stuff. but i went to Tampines' Old Chang Kee to get the SotongBall. had a wonderful shopping trip today. ah yes, wk scared the wits outta me. his shirt got stuck in 1 of the adverts WHILE ON THE ESCALATOR. he was being pulled back for quite a few steps. i thought he was faking it. but when i saw the severity of it all, it was too late. the helpful ppl behind helped him get it out of the slit in the box. im glad ur ok dude. never ever, i repeat NEVER EVER lean back on the escalator again. thank God ur alright.

i wld not be going shopping for quite some time. my feet are killing me.
tts all for today. gona await my mom's grand arrival from Thailand. together with the shirts she bought for me. thanks mom.

niteynite guys/gals

- kc

hey peeps.

mmhmm, u guessed right, its shopping today. but b4 that im gona collect the vcd She's The Man from calvin. its a really nice show. been circulating in 4G for some time now. grab hold of it if yall can. and oh, did i 4get to mention i watched I Am Sam ystd. was crying my lungs out. nah i wasnt but tears were like filling the front row seats of my eye-nima - cinema, eye-nima, geddit? nvm...

catch it tmr at 10.30pm on Channel 5. oh im doing free adverts btw. for mediacorp. lol.

that aiken and ben choo. better watch out. go out with ur church mates to shop in town, AT TOPMAN some more. and all along i've been asking both of u to go topman with me. uh huh, so did u both enjoy ur shopping spree? well im gona enjoy it TODAY. i just hope i dun get the same tops as u guys. haha, our taste might be the same. but ur forgiven, cos both of u mean so much to me. erhem, im not gay btw. im just too loving. aiken n ben can testify. ESPECIALLY AIKEN. after the movie The Devil Wears Prada.

anyway, im trying to complete 1 maths paper b4 i go. so at least i accomplished something on my road to greater knowledge and intelligence. recently, im getting emotionally attached to my guitar - i shant call it sigma - that im like feeling for it. ahha. i soooo want to give my guitar away to marcus, the ovation, but my mom says that i cant cos Uncle Winston and Auntie Katherine still has the impression im using it. so sad. sorry pal, old bud, but its near to impossible to change my mom's mind. she's as hard as a rock in her decisions.

oh boy, ur all getting to noe my family. by the end of this year, yall wld probably noe the habits of every family member in my household. enough of the crap.

recently i've been feeling and thinking A LOT. and believe me, A LOT is an understatement. i began to write a song ystd, while i was in a depressing mood. but it turned out to be a happy song, tt even when i sang it, i gradually felt happier and happier. great song for depressing moments such as those.

is my blog THAT unknown that so many ppl dont noe abt it? altho i dun publicise it on msn n stuff, but at least i tell my frens to visit?

alright i bet u guys are tired of reading. go enjoy ur day. if yall find anything interesting, tell me. call me at 1800- CALLAFRIEND. Office hours 9-5. haha kidding, im just being crappy. yall noe my number. call me if u wan a listening, ANYTIME. i've learnt to be patient and have time for my frens.


- kc

    Thursday, September 07, 2006
tmr is shopping. but i duno why im not exactly as excited as i was 2 days ago, or rather an hour ago.

i guess its one of those mood swings again. its hard to say i love you, its hard to say i need you. im just feeling random. its the lyrics for Until The World - The Afters

whenever im tired, i go into 1 of those depressing moods. but i dun care. cos i noe in a while i wont be. maybe i'll call some people.

i've been like sleeping at 1am these few days. i feel its so wasted. nothing accomplished at night even though i slp late. well, some1 said that i didnt have self discipline. and hmm, maybe its true. but that set me thinking after i read in the papers today that Singaporeans have plenty of job opportunities abroad. tts cos they want a piece of Singapore. mostly cos of our ability to speak 2 or more languages - being bilingual is impt.

at this age, im alr thinking abt jobs. but i dream abt going abroad to work n stuff like that. family or rather marriage wld be another issue. maybe my priorities might change when i get to that stage. although i find working overseas nice, i have to be fair to my family as well. if working in Singapore already gave us a hard time juggling between family and work, wat makes u think working abroad wld be the same. it wld be near impossible la, personally.

ahh, God has His plans. and im really trusting Him. correct me if im wrong, but its one thing to have faith, and another to believe with no actions. the latter is called false hope. anyway i've really been thinking a lot lately. about a myriad of things. i dun have the liberty of time to blog abt it,but hey, i think im a thinker. haha.

i gtg, time for prayer with my buddy.
afterwhich its time to retire for the night.

Life without You means nothing to me. Life with You would be a whole lot different, a whole lot happier. You found me, but now I want more. More, more. This is my cry. I know You're reading this. Can I knock on your door? Can i call?

Your love leads me on. No love but Yours. Thank You. Thank You so much.

- kc

    Wednesday, September 06, 2006
hmm. had a blast last night.

oh boy. i was trying to balance my guitar on the bed where my grandma was lying on. and it stood still and balanced on it butt for a while. i decided to take a photo. took a few steps back to get a clear shot. just when i was abt to push the button, guess wat. it toppled over. towards the floor. it was a shock for me. my beloved guitar went crashing into the glass cabinet below the tv. and yes, the glass did shatter. but my guitar strings weren't outta tune, only the 1st 3 strings. there's also a chip in my guit's body. the name's sigma. sigma's body had a few scratches here and there. and yes, u guessed correct, my grandma did scold me. but i found it amusing. haha. lucky nothing else broke, not the neck of sigma or the strings.

anyway, wats done is done. i will never ever try to balance a guitar on its butt ever again. unless im compelled to do so. but hey, who wld be so crazy?

i finally figured out the WHOLE solo and A BIT of the intro for The Afters - Beautiful Love. wonderful. but of cos i cant play in perfect timing. haha need to brush up on that. im gona go do some papers now. probably maths. finish up the papers and den move on to geography. so much for my interesting holidays.

im a whole lot happier if ur wondering. i guess its the monthly thing, ya noe the mood swings and all. lol. I AM NOT A GIRL. but hey, every1 has their ups and downs.


- kc

    Tuesday, September 05, 2006
what a nice day it is aye?

yeah, with all the squabbles and problems. mmhmm. perfect.

and to think that im supposed to be able to study in this SOOOO conducive environment. yet another day wasted to the unending problems of life. like do u care? totally not. mood spoilers are 1 thing that hinders the road to success. yeah u might say " u determine ur own mood" and all that bull. but try being in my shoes. its not just 1 problem honey, talk abt life piling problems after problems on u. God, i noe You are there. i noe You are here. but why? why? training me up to be the person You wanted me to be? hard to practice wat we preach.

i woke up so delighted that i have tuition and a WHOLE day of studying ahead of me. but now im freakin pissed. im blogging cos there aint no body to call. maybe later.

guess wat? half a day gone. i think ima go have quality time with my guit. cya later sexies. til we meet again, when im happy again.

and for those ppl who wana mock me. sing along mockingbird, courtesy of benster. christians do have their bad days as well. dun mock us just cos we fall or stumble for ONE day of our LIFE. get real honey. we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of the Lord. do a reality check some time soon ya?

- kc

    Monday, September 04, 2006
morning early birds. or not so early birds. haha

this is gona be a long post, so patience. its worth ur while here.

this morning's devotion is titled : God wants you healthy - Every Day!
abstracted from Pursuit of His Presence by Kenneth & Gloria Copeland. get it if possible, its a great devotional book.

Bible reference: Exodus 23:25 - "And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee."

"I have some revolutionary news for you today. God wants you healthy! Every day!

Oh i know that, you may quickly think, I know God will heal me when i get sick.

Yes, that's true. He will. But that's not what I'm saying. I'm telling you God's perfect will is for you to live continually in divine health. His will is for you to walk so fully in power of His word that sickness and disease are literally pushed away from you. Isn't that good news?

You've probably heard a lot about God's healing power, but there is a difference between divine healing and divine health. Years ago, the powerful preacher John G. Lake put it this way, 'Divine healing is the removal by the power of God of the disease that has come upon the body. But divine health is to live day by day, hour by hour in touch with God so that the life of God flows into the body just as the life of God flows into the mind or flows into the spirit.'

Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us that God's Word is life to us and health to our bodies. That word health in Hebrew means 'medicine.' God's word has life in it. It is actually spirit food. As you feed on it, you become strong spiritually and physically.

When you read the Word and meditate on it, you're actually taking God's medicine. If you will be faithful to take it continually, eventually it will be as hard for you to get sick as it was for you to get well.

But it's a process. You can't just read the healing scriptures once and then go on about your business. You must continually feed on the Word of God to keep healing in your life. When you do that, you'll be walking healed every day! You'll be walking in divine health."

phew. that was long. hope i dun violate the copyright laws. its for YOU GUYS. be grateful im willing to put my life on the line just to share this with u all. haha. this encourages u to read the bible daily and keep praying every single hour of the day. so tts all for now. btw, i typed with ONE HAND-5 fingers. lol this goes out to YOU.

oh yes, for those with bibles out there, read James, the whole book. great book.


- kc

    Sunday, September 03, 2006
hey ho

many ppl have been on the topic of wat life is all about, and wat it is NOT about.
some say there is no meaning in life, some say they cant find it.
oh boy, i pray u guys find ur meaning in life. for me, its ultimately God. i just realised that the world does not satisfy my needs. like it took me so long to realise, just like benster. but all's good. better late than never. u may hav heard this countless times, but the world satisfies only temporarily.

anyway, i found my meaning alr. hope u guys find your meaning!


- kc