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    Thursday, December 21, 2006
aight peeps, i've returned.

SO im here to post abt Japan.
bear with me for today, lots of pictures and boring explanations.

Oh, rmb to listen to the song just above my tagboard.
wonderful song.

12 Dec
we arrived at the airport, had a great flight. was freezing cold la.
maybe we hvnt gotten used to the temp yet or smth, but i was shivering for sure.
So we set off from Fukuoka Airport to Kagoshima.
Volcanic centre was the next stop.
behold, SAKURAJIMA (the name of the volcano)

alright maybe tt's just the scale model. lol. but we cldnt visit the real volcano, obviously cos its still active. and due to some unforseen circumstances, i didnt get to capture a shot of it.

ANYWAY, we visited the hotspring that burst forth from this active volcano.
but the teachers didn't want to go for the full body hot spring (thank goodness).
so, we went for the foot bath instead.
well, all i can say is "ATSUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
means hot is japanese (nihon-go)
my goodness, i tell u, the water was absolutely scalding!
especially when we're in a cold country, where our feet are frozen to the point of frost bite.
alright alright, so i'm exaggerating, but yeah, u get the point (:

alright, sueann's leg on the extreme left, middle (me), right - dinisha.

more pictures of them at the footbath.

I can never fathom how in the world they can maintain that smile, when their feet were literally cooking in the footbath. Girls~

ok so tt was all for today.
oh, and we made our way to the Osumi Youth Hostel afterwhich.
guess wat? its located high up in the mountains. and the road leading to it, is dark and windy.
if something happened to us, we would be SO FAR away from civilisation and most importantly, HELP.
so we didn't even get a tinge of reception. great news for our ever so concerned parents (: kidding!
this is also the day where we experience the real Japanese bath.
everyone of the boys were naked, which we will eventually experience when we get to the army.
but this was with a group of boys aged from 15-17. so naturally, it would be noisy and whiny.
the hotbath we must soak ourselves in after each bath, was the same as the footbath.

and we wonder why japs have real good skin complexion. lol.

13 Dec
To the Uchinoura Space Centre!
it was real nice, cos no1's gona go there anymore!
lol, they are going to relocate the Space Centre to somewhere else, so no member of the public can enter.
and fyi, it's still up and running, its not some run-down space centre.
so here you go folks.

OH! Oh!
i'll upload cute pictures of Miss Yew and Miss Rabiah.
hope they don't find out. lol.

now ain't that lovely (:

i'll try to speed things up a lil.
Obi castle next, cherry blossom dyeing.
den tangerine farm it was.
plucked loads of tangerines. just lovely.

Enoch stirring his handkerchief in the bucket of dye.

Miike Youth Centre for the following nights.
real fun time watching couples play soccer (:

14 Dec
Kimono for today.
didn't leave the youth centre.
had tea ceremony and arts and crafts session.
made a keychain, snake-like finger locking toy (lol) and a pair of kimono wrapped around seashells.

There you go, the two most popular guys in the group.
HAHAHAHAHA, kidding.
but we were part of the trio who were oh-so charming.
Kenny was the "player" and the top lady-killer.

tts all for today.
the trying on of kimono took the longest time.
but all the ladies looked lovely.
so did all the guys. macho.

15 Dec
Meeting of our host!!!
but 1st we had a speech and a tour ard school.
which was indefinitely MY kinda tour. lol.
everywhere i went.
girls just shouted "Chan Kai Chin"!!!
im serious, no boasting or wat-so-ever.
ask every1 if u find me unreliable.
i have no idea how the girls in the sch would know my name and my face.
but i know one thing for sure. they found me Kakoii~ (:

so i finally met my host, Doki Doki (excitement).
Kaori Morizono's the name.

forgive the peace sign.
both GUYS and girls are to do that sign in Japan.
so yeah. tts her.
real nice girl.
went home and met the rest of the Morizono's.

The tall guy is the sister's beau.
real funny guy. jokes a lot. and i mean A LOT.
real close family unit. felt the warmth and love instantly.

16 Dec
anyway Kaori, Linming and his host, Moeko, and i went shopping.
guess our mode of transportation.
by bicycle of course. unfortunately i didnt take any photos. obviously cos i was cycling.
took neoprints with them and was really nice.

i duno wat kind of stupid pose i did.
but my eyebrow was supposed to be raised.
duno how come my eyes look like they're twisted. lol.
anyway, tts abt all.

17 Dec
the day which peeps bought their nanos in Japan.
cost $8 cheaper in Japan. plus the tax reclaim in Singapore.
makes it all the more cheaper.
but not me (:
farewell party in the evening with our hosts and their family members.
awesome time.
bucket-loads of tears were collected and dumped into the backyard.
the most touching part of it, was my host and her mom cried for me.
*Don't cry for me Argentina!*


woah woah! yunzhen got the groove baby!
and I was the rose among the thorns in this picture (:
or the thorns among the rose. lol.
watever pleases you, as the reader (:

No1 really slpt through the night. partied and stuff. and it took its toll the next day, on the plane.

So tts all for Japan, im getting tired of typing. got lots more exciting stuff, do ask me if u catch me online.

till next time,

- kc

    Saturday, December 02, 2006
guess wat. i have something to blog about. finally i have time and inspiration (a little).

anyway, i was walkin home just now. and along the dark, serene back alley, i looked up and saw the moon. shining ever so brightly in the dark sky accompanied with a few dozen stars. quite a beautiful night i must say. but come to think of it, the moon is just a pile of rock n sand.

im sure many of us knows that the moon only reflects light from the sun. and if u were to see the moon one night, u'll realise how bright the sun is (in order to light up the moon so brightly). for a brief moment i kinda drifted into my own thoughts while walking to an aerial few of this phenomenon. quite an awesome sight to behold. like u see half the earth experiencing 'day' while the other half experiences the opposite. and how the light rays are reflected by the moon into the half tt is experiencing night.

quite an imagination huh.

but i thought about it. aren't we the same?
we're the moon and God is the sun. we can be the most mundane, down to earth person in this world, just like the moon. but once we have God, we can shine almost as brightly as Him. but it is not our own glory or ability. it is His that we reflect. and so, tt is wat the world sees. thanks be to God (:

im sure there are many more examples u guys have heard. but tts from the heart. and its so recent.

yup. and so i have finally gotten a keyboard that is able to allow me to HEAR some sound at least. yamaha. so now im off to practicing now(:

im in such a state of exuberance. i had so much to blog abt, but most of the time im just too tired to even blog. fatigue is really dawning on me even as i speak. once i return from japan. blogger KC is gona make a come back. lol.

so until den, patience is a virtue.


- kc

    Saturday, November 25, 2006
its a come back. hvnt been updating for so long. and the tags have been decreasing. so i guess its time to blog.

man, there's one HUGE misunderstanding tonight.

i felt so stupid and embarrassed.

so it started after church, was walking to the mrt station with my cell group. Gabriel (my cell group member)'s sister came to go home with him. she's pretty i must admit. but she's outta my league. guess she's ard 20+ . so gab randomly asked "who is interested in getting attached to some1 in the children's church"? he was referring to his sister. i knew that, but i only heard "who is interested in getting attached to .... children's church"? so i raised my hand. guess wat, she saw my hand and i didnt noe wat was happening. so i guess she got the wrong message. but i didnt realise until they continued talking and gab said "that's a good place to test ur partner to see if he has patience and watever else" ohhh, i can hear the music play. man, i was so embarrassed. i cldnt tell them face to face cos it wld be sooooooooooo embarrassing. and wat's more, she's of ripe age for marriage. so i waited til i left and msged gab. but so far no reply. it was really embarrassing. duno why God allowed it to happen. i alr made a promise not to get attached til im of ripe age. and now all these happen? sometimes its good to be good looking, but other times its not. but i guess tts how im made. *raises eyebrow*

so thank God for everything tt happened. im sure there's a hidden agenda here. but until i noe wat it is, im still very embarrassed abt the incident.

anyway, now i found out my interest.

1. children (tts y im thinking of joining children's church)
2. music
3. people

so im sure God will use it.



- kc

    Sunday, November 19, 2006
ok so i have been talking a lot of keyboards.

ystd i was supposedly going to get a 2nd hand keyboard opposite swee lee. but somehow, i guess its God-driven, i decided not to. i was reluctant to rush over to get 1 and rush over to church.

i must admit i was very disappointed and did sulk a bit. but eventually i was reminded tt maybe through this there was a plan afterall.

so, i was trusting Him for it and all. and wats more, i read abt faith in today's devotion. even before i switched on my phone. i was believing Him for a keyboard, just like He provided 2 guitars for me when i gave my $100 guitar away. and how much worth of guitars did i get back? 1.5k++

see how powerful faith is?

and so, when i switched on my phone, (yeah u guessed it), my mom's cell group member, also the 1 who gave my sister the hdb at marine parade, had a keyboard to give away! chance u may say, but i believe its something at a higher level. i have no idea wat brand it is, but tts not the point is it? ultimately its not my mom's fren who gave it to me, rather she was a channel of blessing for me. for those of u in the army of JC, u'll get wat i mean.

im just more excited abt this than the end of exams. yes i noe i jumped for joy on thursday, but today, its even higher. i think im growing taller(: hahahahha.

i hav more to blog abt, but now's not the time. im over the top right now. so til nxt time, this is KC.


- kc

    Friday, November 17, 2006
aw man, u can nvr trade this feeling for money. EVER.

the man's back into business. of blogging that is.

i've been so busy lately, especially the past week. chemistry....ugh.
but hey, its O-ver.

went to watch step up ystd, trust me, daron can dance. lol. but i reckon he wldnt make it to the national level. only his hissing serpent move was nice.


u feel me? now tts just awesome. i cant pen down e feeling, but its somehow there. but its fading. like wat anil said, its just gona be like any other holiday. except tt im gona work, starting jan. hopefully there's jobs for me. like every1 who finished their O's are gona work. n some of which are gona get a head start.

ok now i really need that money for something. went to yamaha to see keyboards. but apparently i didnt see any. the cheapest i saw was 1k? man. now how am i gona get the money like this. oh, but that was some clavino.

im off to swee li later. marc gona get some capo n im gona get picks n cleaner. well, for calvin, he's there on a mission. to scout for his new passion - girls. HAHAHA. im kidding. to scout for keyboards as well. so i guess its time to start learning theory. boo. i hate sight reading. but hey, no pain, no gain huh?

i'll start inspirational posts on mon, too tired now. or rather i still wana try to get into the holiday season. advent mood maybe.


- kc

    Wednesday, November 08, 2006
ah well, seeing that its somewhat lifeless (without motion, no signs of breathing), i shall update IT.

recently i've developed this inner desire. yes its burning passionately. erhem, not for girls mind u. but rather for piano. im currently at this period of my life where i prefer to be still before Him and just hear soft music playing in the background. i've past the stage of loud, fast music and sorts. maybe i'll go back to it 1 day. and i nvr may noe, that '1 day' might be tmr. and so, i've decided upon my own will that i will learn piano. i duno how, i duno where. i just wana learn. so far driel n calwie are pursuing it too. but tts after Os. listen up driel n calwie, if yall aint gona learn, i will aight? i definitely will.

and now its back to my dreams and aspirations. guess wat? today's choice of topic was dreams. but i reckon too many ppl wld be writing on it, so i chose nature reserves instead. all the geog info downloaded into the paper.

i've planned for my future already. but im not sure wat God wants for me. maybe He'll spring some surprise on me, catch me unaware. i've been thinking. i wana travel the world. learn new languages, write articles about everything under the sun. u noe, do interesting stuff.

i love, i repeat, i LOVE voicing out my views. so if u ask me to write about new products or how i view things, i'll give it to ya.

here's a thought. lets do a poll shall we? cool, tag ur answers on my tagboard. unfortunately for those who cant view my tagboard, yes u, den catch me on msn or smth.
ok here goes: On msn, do u usually laugh or at least smile(*in real life) when u type "haha" or "lol" or "(=" online?
2. sometimes
3. only if im in the mood
4. rarely

so start tagging. personally, for me, i wldnt usually laugh if i type "haha". but if that conversation is in real life, i wld probably give a wide grin. its just to make me seem friendlier. isnt it? (: the truth's out ppl.

one last thing before im off to study.

flavour me, pour salt and pepper all over me and i won't hurt. shake me as long as you want. open me up, take me out and let me rest on ur tastebuds. wat am i?

Ans: Shaker Fries.
they are just obsolutely heavenly. i have no idea why Mcdonald's only sell them during certain periods of the year. maybe its because the demand isn't that great, or the response was horrible. in either case, im sure there are ppl who wld agree with me. i wld love to have shaker fries available permanently. now wont that be lovely?

Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
Riding in the car would be a tasty treat.
Changing gears would soon become a problem
Cadbury dairy milk is so good to eat
When you arrive at your destination,
You'll be greeted with an exclamation!
Wouldn't it be nice?

haha i duno if the song's right. but there you go.


- kc

    Wednesday, November 01, 2006
saw the silkygirl advert?

well, it says at the end, "unleash your confidence with silkygirl". or smth lidat. will update when i finally find out the catchline.

an object or a person can unleash our confidence. aint that true?

even a mere sentence can unlease our confidence. haha.
ever heard of stories which tells of ppl's life being changed by one small incident?

u can cr8 a story of ur own. but it only involves u in the background. try it today, no harm done right? say something encouraging to ur loved ones today. do your part in making a difference.

feelings without action is NOTHING. resolve without action is also NOTHING.
so even if u feel that u shd do something or u resolve to encourage some1, but u dun put it into deeds, its still considered NOTHING. so really, do your part today.

u nvr noe wat the person has been going through lately, and u will definitely not noe wat difference you'll make in that person's life at that moment. wana be a superman? or a superwoman? a world shaker? history maker? wadya waitin for?

u cld also do something for some1 u noe. housework? doing the dishes? encourage ur siblings when they're having examinations. buy a small encouragement card for friends going through exams. u can do ur part. why not make a difference while you can? you may never noe whose life u may have touched. and besides all the possible rewards u may get in the future, u will also feel good. like you have a heart, and a wilful mind. isnt that a great deal? so yea, take heed ppl.

tts it for today, wont be posting due to the nearing exams. rmb!!! 6th til 16th. do be encouraging your frens and pray for 'em.


- kc

wats up.

yes, its time for the newspaper articles yet again. haha. anyway, if any of u find it helpful, do inform me. if not i'll just stop this update of impt articles.

Global Warming's up 1st.

Up next is Solar Power as an alternative source of energy.

Last but not least, the conflict in Sri Lanka.

so be sure to include these in your O-levels (geog n ss).
for those of u not taking O's, this is still a good opportunity to broaden your knowledge of the world. so until next time, read more papers and books!


- kc